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The Wave Project Presents – Beats On The Beach

October 19, 2018 @ 9:00 pmOctober 20, 2018 @ 1:30 am

[vc_row inner_container=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none” style=”padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”2/3″][text_output]BEATS ON THE BEACH – WAVE PROJECT GIG FUNDRAISER


A storm is on the horizon.  Four Cornish acts takeover the Watering Hole stage to raise funds for the Wave Project Charity.  A Charity that delivers evidence-based surf therapy programmes for mental health and well-being. Help us continue our powerful project that helps others change their lives for the better by coming along to this amazing line up, a night to remember for all involved.

Mac & Laura

Mac and Laura, bring an uplifting blend of American and British alternative folk, with country bluegrass roots and harmonies that are rich and dynamic. The  husband/wife duo met in North Carolina 2012. September 2017 saw the release of Mac and Laura’s EP ‘First Light’ recorded with folk producer Andy Bell (Jon Boden, Seth Lakeman, Martin Simpson).


Cat Whatley, aka Ciitten, is a British singer, songwriter and musician based in Cornwall. Having moved to Cornwall from London, Cat has used her music to truly express herself. Her lyrics are unapologetically honest, drawing on personal experiences to create her 90s inspired melodies. Highlighting personal battles with social anxiety, she shares them with the world and helps bring mental health issues to the forefront.


Grizzly Millions – A three piece from North Cornwall delivering big melodies and cunning stories wrapped up with powerful riffs.  It’s kinda rock, but with a little bit of blues and a healthy dose of soul.  In fact you are best off coming to see us and making up you own mind.


The Grenaways could be said to be mining the rich veins of inspirational ore that course through their home turf of Cornwall where they add a sense of their own ties to the region and especially it’s Celtic heritage. But, they are a band set for far wider horizons with a massive and alternative sound billowing through their musical sails.  They are rootsy storytellers, unique in the folk style, with songs that are rich in nautical undertones, influenced so much by the sea, its people and coastal living.[/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][text_output]


21:15  Mac & Laura

22:15 Ciiten

23:00 Grenaways

00:00 Grizzly Minions

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October 19, 2018 @ 9:00 pm
October 20, 2018 @ 1:30 am
Event Category:




The Watering Hole
View Organiser Website