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Winter Storms… Again
As Winter creeps upon us so does the storm season. With huge seas hitting across the whole of Cornwall, with 30 foot swells and 60mph gusting winds.
photo from BBC spotlight.
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Added to the music events calendar this week. Bad Manners, Lee Scratch Perry, SHY FX, A 1920s New Years eve theme plus many more.
Check out the events section of our website for more information.
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Come down & try some of our food as we switch to the Winter menu. With a varied selection through the week, with new specials keeping things interesting.
Above is a photo of one of our tasty open crab sandwiches.
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Like our Facebook page to stay updated with what’s going on!
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An old WWII gun shelter that became a bucket and spade shop is now being transformed into an iconic two story bistro/beach shop adding a new dynamic to the town. Boasting sea views that will compete with what has made The Watering Hole such a memorable place to visit, this really is going to be something special!
More information here: